Top Ten Tips to Protect Your Animals on July 4th

Top Ten Tips to Protect Your Animals on July 4thJuly 4th Can Be Dangerous to Animals

Did you know that holiday celebrations and fireworks can be stressful to animals and livestock? Check out these Top Ten Tips to Protect Your Animals on July 4th.

  • Don’t take your dogs to the fireworks display. Keep them safe at home in a quiet escape-proof place in your home. This goes for cats too.
  • Bring outdoor pets in and keep horses in the barn. Turn on a radio or TV to help hide the noise.
  • Never set off fireworks with your pets loose in the yard or your horses in the pasture. They could get burned or traumatized. Some of the fireworks contain toxic substances like arsenic or potassium nitrate.
  • Make sure you have current photos of your pets in case they escape and runaway. You might talk with your veterinarian about microchipping. You can do this for cats, dogs and even horses. If you already have your pet microchipped, make sure your contact record is up-to-date with your current contact information. When we move we often forget to update this with the microchip company or our vet.
  • If your dog or cat is not microchipped, think about keeping a collar on them for at least during the celebration time and tape your contact info onto the collar.
  • Consider behavioral therapy to desensitize your pet. You can also speak with your veterinarian about calming medications.
  • Don’t put glow jewelry on pets or allow them to play or chew it. Intestinal blockage could occur from swallowing large pieces of the plastic.
  • Be prepared in the event that your pet does escape by downloading the ASPCA Mobile App.
  • If you have horses loose in the pasture, you might want to keep a breakaway halter on them and tape your contact information on it in case the horse breaks through a fence and runs off.
  • Check your yard and pasture after firework events for debris. You do not want your animals to pick it up to play with it or eat it.

Don’t Forget to Stock Up with Feed at Cherokee Feed & Seed

All Cherokee Feed & Seed stores will be closed on Monday July 4th. Be sure to stop by and pick up your feed and pet food so your animals can enjoy the 4th too!

Cherokee Feed & Seed stores is closed on July 4th. Have a safe holiday!

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